The information contained in this section describes how to operate and
maintain the scanner and scale. Topics include “how to’s” on scanning,
weighing, re-zeroing the scale, removing the top cover and cleaning the
upper and lower windows.
To scan items using the scanner, slide or push them through the scan zone
as shown in Figure 3-1. The scanner will work equally well with either a
left-to-right or right-to-left motion through the scan zone. There is no
need to reorient an item’s bar code since the scanner can “see” the left,
right, front and back side, as well as the top and bottom of an item.
Figure 3-1. Scan Zone
“Limited Scanning Mode” is entered by default by interfaces such as USB and
IBM until a Point Of Sale (POS) terminal enables scanning. Labels are “chirped”
while in this mode.
Vertical Window
Scan Zone
Horizontal Window
Scan Zone
Checker Side
Scan Zone
Top Down
Scan Zone
...indicate what the
scanner "sees."
Note that