Normally, once the scale has been calibrated, the calibration must be veri-
fied and/or approved by a local regulatory body. In many areas of the
United States, the scale calibration switch must be sealed before being
placed into service. Consult the agency responsible for regulating weigh-
ing devices in your area to ensure that you are meeting all legal and regula-
tory requirements. Section 5, Calibration, describes the calibration
sequence and verification process.
Calibration can only be performed if the tamper seal that secures access to
the Calibration Switch is broken and the switch cover is removed. Break-
ing the seal may legally render the scale inoperable until it has been recerti-
fied and a new seal attached. Consult your local regulations before
removing the calibration seal if you are unsure of the legal requirements.
Although the scale will physically continue to weigh products, a broken
seal may require recertification by a proper authority as designated by your
local laws.