This test verifies that the scale will not ‘zero’ when the weighing surface of
the scanner/scale is in motion.
1. Verify that the Yellow LED
is on and the Remote Display reads
0.00 pounds or 0.000 kilograms.
2. Press lightly on the weigh platter of the scanner/scale with one
hand and at the same time press and release the Zero Push Button
on the operator’s panel. The Yellow LED should turn Off and the
Remote Display should not display 0.00 pounds or 0.000 kilo-
3. Remove your hand from the weighing platform and verify that
the Yellow LED is On and the Remote Display reads 0.00 pounds
or 0.000 kilograms.
This test verifies that the scanner/scale automatic zero setting mechanism
is operating correctly.
1. Place 0.007 pounds (4 grams for metric) on the center of the
weighing platform. The entire weight must be placed on the
weighing platform at once for this test to be valid. The Yellow
LED should go Off and the Remote Display should read 0.01
pounds (0.005 kilograms).
1. Yellow LED indications can be configured via feature programming and may not be enabled for
certain functions.
The scanner/scale has an adaptive zero capture mechanism that re-zeros the
scale over time if there is a slow change in the zero level; thus if all the
weight is not placed on the weighing surface at one time, the Yellow LED will
remain On and the Remote Display will read 0.00 pounds (0.000 kilograms).
When the weight is removed, the Yellow LED will turn off and the display will
show a minus sign . Press the Zero Push Button to re-zero the