Lines and Boxes
Command Structure Line <ESC>FWaabcccc
aa = Width of horizontal line in dots (01-99)
b = Line orientation
H Horizontal line
V Vertical Line
cccc = Length of line in dots (see Note 2 for max length)
Box: <ESC>FWaabbVccccHdddd
aa = Width of horizontal side in dots (01-99)
bb = Width of vertical side in dots (01-99)
cccc = Length of vertical side in dots (see Note 2 for max length)
dddd = Length of horizontal side in dots (see Note 2 for max length)
Example: <ESC>FW02H0200
Placement: Following the necessary positioning commands
Default: None
Command Function To print horizontal lines, vertical lines, and boxes as images on the
Input to Printer
Section 4. Programming Reference
Page 4-489001041 Rev. DSATOM-8400RV