SATO M-8400RV Printer User Manual

Memory Card Function
Graphics, PCX Store
Command Structure <ESC>PIaaa,bbbbb,{data}
aaa = Storage area number (001 thru 999)
bbbbb = Size of PCX file in bytes
{data} = Data
Example: <ESC>PI001,32000,{data}
Placement: This command must be placed within its own data
Default: None
Command Function To store for later printing a PCX graphic file in the Memory Card.
Printer Input BASIC Program to Download a PCX file to Memory Card #1, Location
DA$ = INPUT$(3800,#2)
C$ = CHR$(27)
WIDTH “LPT1:”,255
LPRINT C$;"A";C$;"CC1";
LPRINT C$; “PI001,03800,”;DA$
Printer Output There is no printer output as a result of this command. See <ESC>PY
PCX Graphics Recall command.
Special Notes: 1. This command requires Memory Card option. See your SATO
representative for details.
2. Graphics cannot be stored as part of a format.
3. Only black and white PCX files can be stored.
4. The file size specified by this command is the DOS file size in bytes.
Section 4. Programming Reference
SATOM-8400RV9001041 Rev. DPage 4-93