2. For print lengths greater than 14 inches an optional Memory Card
must be used.
3. If any part of an image is placed past the maximum number of dots
for standard length and or the capacity of the memory card, that
part of the image will be lost.
4. If any part of an image is placed past maximum allowable dots
across the label, that part of the image will be lost.
5. If you attempt to print where there is no paper, you may damage
the print head.
6. For these commands, the leading zeroes do not have to be
entered. The command V1 is equivalent to V0001.
Maximum Print
832 dots
4.1 in.
104 mm
Standard Print
1424 dots
7.0 in.
178 mm
Expanded with
2848 dots
14.0 in.
356 mm
Maximum Length with Memory Card
128 Kbyte
1257 dots
6.2 in.
157 mm
512 Kbyte
5038 dots
24.8 in.
629 mm
1 Mbyte
9999 dots
49.2 in.
1249 mm
2 Mbyte
9999 dots
49.2 in.
1249 mm
(1) Limited by the number of digits in the command field.
(2) When a Memory Card is used to expand the print length, the card capacity is
used instead of the internal memory, not in addition to the internal memory.
Section 4. Programming Reference
Page 4-609001041 Rev. DSATOM-8400RV