SATO M-8400RV Printer User Manual

Interleaved Two of Five (I 2/5)
Command Structure 1:3 ratio: <ESC>B2bbccc (data)
2:5 ratio: <ESC>BD2bbccc (data)
1:2 ratio: <ESC>D2bbccc (data)
bb = Width of narrow element in dots (01-12)
ccc = Bar height in dots (001-600)
(data) = Bar code data (numeric); must be an even number of digits
or else the printer will add a leading zero; start and stop
code are provided by the printer
Character Set 0-9 (numeric only)
Density Table
Value of
1:3 01 5.0 22.6
1:3 02 10.0 11.3
2:5 01 10.0 12.7
1:2 01 5.0 14.5
1:2 02 10.0 9.7
Example <ESC>H0100<ESC>V0100<ESC>B20310045676567
<ESC>H0140<ESC>V0210<ESC>XM4567 6567
Notes To add horizontal guard bars to the top and bottom of the bar code,
use the Line and Box command (see page 5-47).
Appendix B: Bar Code Specifications