Gabbbccc(data) Custom Graphics. Allows the creation and printing of graphic images
using a dot-addressable matrix.
a = Specifies format of data stream to follow
B Binary
H Hexadecimal
bbb = Number of horizontal8x8blocks
ccc = Number of vertical8x8blocks
data = Data to describe the graphic image
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GMaaaaa BMP File. Downloads BMP file to the internal graphics image memory.
aa..a = No. of bytes to be downloaded (max DOS file size = 32K
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GPaaaaa PCX File. Downloads PCX file to the internal graphics image memory.
aa..a = No. of bytes to be downloaded (max DOS file size = 32K)
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Haaaa Horizontal Position. Specifies a field’s horizontal location across the
width of the label from the current base reference point. The units of
measurement are dots.
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IDaa Store Job ID. Stores the Job ID number.
aa = Job ID number assigned (01-99)
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J Journal Print. Provides the ability to print text line by line. Fixed
spacing between lines and characters.
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Kab90cc Recall Custom Designed Characters. Recalls for printing a custom
character stored by the Tabcc(data) command.
a = 1 16 x 16 matrix
2 24 x 24 matrix
b = Indicates the format that data stream was stored in
B Binary
H Hexadecimal
bb = Memory location where the character was stored.
Valid locations are 21 to 52 or “!” to “R” in hex values.
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Laabb Character Expansion. Expands characters in both directions.
aa = Multiple to expand horizontally (01-12)
bb = Multiple to expand vertically (01-12)
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M Font type. Specifies the 13W x 20H dot matrix font (including
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OA Font type. Specifies the OCR-A font with dot matrix. Page 5-
Appendix A: Command Quick Reference
SATO CL Series “e” Printers PN 9001074 Preliminary Page A-5