Schneider Electric LUFP7 Switch User Manual

1. Introduction
1.4. Notational Conventions
16#••••............... Value expressed in hexadecimal, which is equivalent to the H••••, ••••h and 0x•••• notations,
sometimes used in other documents. N.B. The AbcConf softwre uses the 0x•••• notation.
e.g. 16#0100 = 0x0100 = 256.
02#•••• ••••......... Value expressed in binary. The number of ‘•’ digits depends on the size of the item of data
represented. Each nibble (group of 4 bits) is separated from the other nibbles by a space.
Examples: byte 2#0010 0111 = 39, word 2#0110 1001 1101 0001 = 16#69D1 = 27089.
AbcConf............ Abbreviation taht refers to the tool used to configure and implement the LUFP7 gateway: “ABC-
LUFP Configurator”.
ASIC ................. Integrated circuits specific to a given user and application, covering two major families: pre-
characterised processes and pre-distributed networks.
ATS................... Abbreviation of “Altistart” (soft start- soft stop unit).
ATV................... Abbreviation of “Altivar” (drive).
CRC.................. Cyclical Redundancy Check.
LED................... Light-Emitting Diode.
DP..................... Decentralised Periphery (remote I/O). Profibus version or protocol meant for quick communication
with remote I/O. This is the only Profibus protocol supported by the LUFP7 gateway.
DPM1................ Class 1 DP master: the central automatic control of a Profibus-DP network. It resets and controls I/O
transfers and slave diagnostics on the network. One can have several DPM1 stations on a given
Profibus-DP network, each one steering its own slaves.
DPM2................ Class 2 DP master: The programming, configuration, and diagnostic device of a Profibus-DP network.
Fieldbus............ A term referring to the upstream Profibus-DP network in AbcConf.
FMS.................. Profibus-FMS messaging system that defines the objects and application services applicable to these
objects. By extension, the Profibus version or protocol dedicated to complex and advanced
communication tasks at the cell level. This protocol is not supported by the LUFP7 gateway.
GSD.................. Electronic equipment database, also called GSD file. This term designates the format of the files
(“.gsd” extension) that are used by a Profibus master configuration and adjustment tool to configure
their exchanges according to that same protocol.
Handshake ....... An old term referring to the two registers used for initialising and carrying out diagnostics of the
LUFP7 gateway. This term has been replaced by the expression “Control/Status Byte”.
LRC .................. Longitudinal Redundancy Check.
Node................. A term referring to the connection point of a Modbus slave under AbcConf.
PA..................... Profibus version or protocol dedicated to process automation. This protocol is not supported by the
LUFP7 gateway.
PDP .................. Profibus-DP (see “DP” above).
LSB:.................. Least significant byte in a 16-bit word.
MSB:................. Most significant byte in a 16-bit word.
PI ...................... Profibus International. This term designates the international organization for users of the Profibus
protocol. It is responsible for federating Profibus skills centres, scattered throughout the 20 largest
industrial countries. The list of user groups of the Profibus protocol is available on the Profibus web
site, at To get general-purpose support on Profibus, please email to PI, at:
PNO.................. This term designates the national and local associations of Profibus protocol users.
PPO.................. Parameter Process data Object. This term designates the type and size of the data exchanged
between a Profibus master and slave. In the case of the LUFP7 gateway, PPOs are not used to
configure its exchanges on the Profibus network.
Profibus ............ PROcess Field BUS.
Sub-Network..... A term referring to the downstream Modbus network under AbcConf.
TSDI ................. Initiating station request time.
TSDR................ Answering station response time.
XML .................. EXtensive Markup Language. The language used by AbcConf to import/export the configuration of a
Modbus slave.