54 Sun Fire V100 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
Setting Up LOM Privileges for Named
You can specify up to four named users of the LOM device on a Sun Fire V100
server. By default, no users are set up, and therefore no user login prompt appears
when you use the LOM escape sequence.
However, if you set up one or more users, every time you use the LOM escape
sequence to display the lom> prompt, you will be prompted for a user name and
password. Therefore, one of the user accounts you set up must be for yourself.
Permissions Available for LOM Users
Four areas of authorization are available for named users. When you create a new
user, no permissions are assigned until you use the userperm command. If you
specify any permissions (using the lom> userperm command), only those that you
specify will be available.
The four areas of authorization available are:
■ Console permission (c-level)
This enables the named user to select the system console from the lom> prompt
(if the Serial A/LOM port is shared between the LOM and the console). The
break command also requires console permission.
■ User Administration permission (u-level)
This enables the named user to add and delete users and alter their permissions.
■ Administration permission (a-level)
This enables the named user to change the LOM device’s configuration variables
(see “Introduction to Lights-Out Management” on page 43).
■ Reset permission (r-level)
This enables the user you have named to reset the server and to power it on and
off using the LOM device.
For information about how to specify one or more of these areas of authorization for
a named user, see “To Specify Permissions for a Named User” on page 57.