56 Sun Fire V100 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
▼ To View the Details of a LOM User Account
● Type:
This command displays the details of all users.
Note – You must have User Administration (u-level) authorization to view the
details of a LOM user account (see “Permissions Available for LOM Users” on
page 54).
▼ To Change Your Own User Password
1. To change the password for the account you are currently logged into, type:
2. When prompted, type the current password.
3. When prompted, type the new password you want to use.
4. Type the new password again to confirm it.
▼ To Delete a LOM User Account
● Type:
where the
username is the name of an existing LOM user account.
Note – You must have User Administration (a-level) authorization to delete a user
account (see “Permissions Available for LOM Users” on page 54).
If you delete all the users you have set up, you will no longer see the login prompt
when you go to the lom> prompt.
lom> usershow
lom> password
lom> userdel username