Xantrex Technology XDC 20-600 Power Supply User Manual

Remote Operation
4–34 TM-XDOP-01XN
Configure Auxiliary Status Lines
To set up Auxiliary line A:
OUTP:AUXA:SOUR <aux-line-mnemonic>
The choices for <aux-line-mnemonic> include:
ON: Output On
OFF: Output Off
OVOL: Over-Voltage Condition
UVOL: Under-Voltage Condition
OCUR: Over-Current Condition
UCUR: Under-Current Condition
OPOW: Over-Power Condition
UPOW: Under-Power Condition
ACOF: AC Power had been turned off or failed
OTEM: Over-Temperature Condition
HTEM: High-Temperature Condition
SPR: Sense Protection Tripped
FOLD: Fold Protection Tripped
CC: Constant Current Mode
CV: Constant Voltage Mode
CP: Constant Power Mode
UNR: Output Unregulated
To check the setting:
To set up Auxiliary line B:
OUTP:AUXB:SOUR <aux-line-mnemonic>
To set the polarity of the auxiliary status lines:
HIGH means that the logic of the output is active high. (That is, if the condition is
true, the line is pulled high.)
LOW means the logic of the output is active low.
TM-XDOP-01XN.book Page 34 Monday, July 17, 2006 11:19 AM