88 Zebra ZXP Series 7 Card Printer User’s Manual P1036101-002
4: Printer Settings and Adjustments
Printing Preferences
Black Panel (K) Optimization Tab
The Black Panel (K) Optimization tab displays two identical adjustment sections (Front and
Back) to optimize black panel printing for the type of image being printed. The front side and
back side options are enabled based on the availability of K panel in the ribbon combination or
the presence of a monochrome ribbon.
• Optimize for: Black panel printing can be optimized to improve the quality of individual
elements that comprise the image. There are separate optimization settings for Text,
Barcodes, and Mixed content.
- Text sharpens the edges of fonts. This setting will make barcodes appear darker.
- Barcode sharpens fine lines to improve barcodes for scanning. This setting will make
text and graphics appear lighter.
- Mixed combines the optimum settings for text, barcode, and graphics printing in
most applications.
Click the Advanced button for additional black (K) panel optimization options to further fine
tune black (K) panel printing; see next page.
Note • This tab also applies to monochrome ribbons (red, blue, green, etc.). The tab title will
change depending on the type of ribbon used; e.g., for a red monochrome ribbon, the
tab title will be Monochrome Red Optimization.