ES-2024 Series User’s Guide
213 Chapter 31 Command Examples
31.2.2 show ip
show ip
This command displays the IP related information (such as IP address and subnet mask) on all
switch interfaces.
The following figure shows the default interface settings.
sysname# show interfaces 12
Port Info Port NO. :12
Link :100M/F
LACP :Disabled
TxPkts :14466
RxPkts :43798
Errors :0
Tx KBs/s :0.592
Rx KBs/s :1.47
Up Time :16:42:54
TX Packet Tx Packets :14466
Multicast :21
Broadcast :116
Pause :0
RX Packet Rx Packets :43798
Multicast :2923
Broadcast :25032
Pause :0
TX Collison Single :0
Multiple :0
Excessive :0
Late :0
Error Packet RX CRC :0
Runt :0
Distribution 64 :25535
65 to 127 :4373
128 to 255 :3952
256 to 511 :862
512 to 1023 :1401
1024 to 1518 :7675
Giant :0
sysname> show ip
IP Interface
IP[], Netmask[], VID[1]