AMCC 720-0138-00 Computer Accessories User Manual

Working with the 3DM Screens 23
Table 5: List of 3DM Pages
3DM Page Description
Controller Summary
Provides basic information about each 3ware RAID
controller in your system.
To see this page, click Summary in the menu bar.
Controller Details
Provides detailed information about the current controller.
To see this page, choose Information > Controller
Details from the menu bar.
Unit Information page Shows a list of the units on the current controller and
provides summary information about each unit.
To see this page, choose Information > Unit Information
from the menu bar or click an ID number on the Controller
Unit Details page Shows details about a particular unit.
To see this page, click an ID number on the Unit
Information page.
Drive Information
Shows a list of drives on the current controller and
provides summary information about each drive.
To see this page, choose Information > Drive
Information from the menu bar.
Drive Details window Shows the SMART data for a specific drive, and shows
additional detail information for the drive.
To see this page, click the Port # for a drive on the Drive
Information page.
Controller Settings
Lets you view settings that affect the units on the current
controller and change some of those settings.
Controller-level settings that can be changed include
background task rate, Auto Rebuild, Auto-Carving, and
Carve Size. Some additional policies are shown that can
only be changed in the CLI.
Unit-level settings include specifying the StorSave Profile
and enabling or disabling the Write Cache, Auto-Verify,
Continue on Error During Rebuild, and Queuing.
To see this page, choose
Management > Controller
Settings from the menu bar.
Scheduling page Lets you view and change the schedule for tasks that
affect all units on the current controller.
To see this page, choose Management > Scheduling
from the menu bar.