AMCC 720-0138-00 Computer Accessories User Manual

viii 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller User Guide for the Power Mac G5
The following conventions are used through this guide:
3DM and 3DM 2 both refer to the 3ware Disk Manager, version 2.
In the sections that describe using 3DM, current controller is used to refer
to the controller which is currently selected in this drop-down list.
Unit refers to one or more disks configured through 3ware to be treated by
the operating system as a single drive. Also known as an array. Array and
unit are used interchangeably throughout this manual.
Boldface is used for buttons, fields, and settings that appear on the screen.
Monospace font is used for code and to indicate things you type.
The screenshots in this documentation are examples only, and may not exactly
reflect the operating system and browser you are using. 3ware software works
on a number of different operating systems, including Mac OS X, Microsoft
Windows®, Linux®, and FreeBSD®, and runs in a number of different
browsers. In addition, the version shown in screenshots may not match your
version. For the current released and tested version number, see the latest
release notes.
5. Configuring Units Describes how to configure new units and spares, change existing configurations,
and set unit policies.
6. Maintaining Units Describes how to check unit and drive status, review alarms and errors, schedule
background maintenance tasks, and manually start them, when necessary or
desirable. Includes explanations of initialization, verify, rebuild, and self-tests.
7. Maintaining Your
Describes how to update the driver, move a unit from one controller to another, and
replace an existing 3ware controller with a new one.
8. 3DM 2 Reference Describes the features and functions on each of the pages in 3DM.
9. Troubleshooting Provides common problems and solutions, and explains error messages.
A. Glossary Includes definitions for terms used throughout this guide.
B. Driver and Disk
Management Tool
Describes how to install the driver for the 3ware controller and other 3ware software
C. Compliance and
Provides compliance and conformity statement.
D. Warranty, Technical
Support, and Service
Provides warranty information and tells you how to contact technical support.
Table 1: Chapters and Appendices in this User Guide
Chapter/Appendix Description