Avocent ACS 6000 Server User Manual

If the line is in use and the modem receives an ATDT command to dial out, the modem will
not go off hook and will display the “LINE-IN-USE” result code. If the modem is off hook and
the extension is picked up, the modem will drop the connection and display the “OFF-HOOK
INTRUSION” result code.
AT S registers
The S registers use the following format: ATSr=n<CR> where the “r” is the S register number
and “n” is the parameter to set it to. To read the current contents of an S register, issue an
ATSr?<CR> command where “r” is the register in question. The modem will then display the
value of the S register.
Register Range Units Default Description
S0 0-255 Rings 0
Ringtoanswer on.ATS0=1<CR>means
answer callonfirstringdetected.
S1 0-255 Rings 0 Number ofringscounted.
S2 0-127 ASCII 43 Escapecodecharacter.
S3 0-127 ASCII 13 Command terminator<CR>.
S4 0-127 ASCII 10 Linefeedcharacter.
S5 0-127 ASCII 8 Backspacecharacter.
S6 2-255 Seconds 2 Waittimefor dial-tonedetection.
S7 1-255 Seconds 50 Waittimefor carrier.
S8 0-255 Seconds 2 Pausetimefor comaindialstring.
S10 1-255 .1sec 14 Lossofcarrier tohangupdelay.
S11 50-255 .01sec 85 DTMF toneduration.
S12 0-127 1/50sec 50 Escapecodeguardtime.
S24 0-255 1sec 0 Sleepmodeinactivitytimer.
S29 0-255 10mS 70 Hookflashdialmodifier time.
S30 0-255 10Sec 0 Inactivitydisconnecttimer.
S95 0 Resultcodecontrol.
Table E.5: AT S Registers
Appendices 86