If the line is in use and the modem receives an ATDT command to dial out, the modem will
not go off hook and will display the “LINE-IN-USE” result code. If the modem is off hook and
the extension is picked up, the modem will drop the connection and display the “OFF-HOOK
INTRUSION” result code.
AT S registers
The S registers use the following format: ATSr=n<CR> where the “r” is the S register number
and “n” is the parameter to set it to. To read the current contents of an S register, issue an
ATSr?<CR> command where “r” is the register in question. The modem will then display the
value of the S register.
Register Range Units Default Description
S0 0-255 Rings 0
Ringtoanswer on.ATS0=1<CR>means
answer callonfirstringdetected.
S1 0-255 Rings 0 Number ofringscounted.
S2 0-127 ASCII 43 Escapecodecharacter.
S3 0-127 ASCII 13 Command terminator<CR>.
S4 0-127 ASCII 10 Linefeedcharacter.
S5 0-127 ASCII 8 Backspacecharacter.
S6 2-255 Seconds 2 Waittimefor dial-tonedetection.
S7 1-255 Seconds 50 Waittimefor carrier.
S8 0-255 Seconds 2 Pausetimefor comaindialstring.
S10 1-255 .1sec 14 Lossofcarrier tohangupdelay.
S11 50-255 .01sec 85 DTMF toneduration.
S12 0-127 1/50sec 50 Escapecodeguardtime.
S24 0-255 1sec 0 Sleepmodeinactivitytimer.
S29 0-255 10mS 70 Hookflashdialmodifier time.
S30 0-255 10Sec 0 Inactivitydisconnecttimer.
S95 0 Resultcodecontrol.
Table E.5: AT S Registers
Appendices 86