
5. Setup
Image 5-45
installation menu
How to add a projector to the list ?
1. Click on the three suspension points to open the projector selection dialog box.
Image 5-46
2. Click on the Add button.
A dialogbox is displayed.
Image 5-47
3. Enter the projector name or browse the network.
4. Click on OK.
5. Enter the Location (optional).
6. Click on Connect.
Following message is displayed : “Connected to <projectorname>...”
How to select an existing projector by its name ?
1. Click on the three suspension points to open the projector selection dialog box, image 5-46
2. Open the listbox and select the projector.
Image 5-48
the location will also be filled (if it has been entered previously).
3. Click on Connect.
R5976821 BARCO ICON 15/03/2007