Bridge Statistics 4-15
from the Chassis View window:
1. Click on the appropriate port index to access the Port menu.
2. Drag down to Enable to restart bridging on the selected interface, or Disable
to halt bridging across the selected interface.
Enabling and Disabling All Installed Interfaces
Similarly, there are two ways to disable bridging across all interfaces installed in a
from the Bridge Status window:
1. Click on to display the Bridge menu.
2. Drag down to Enable Bridge to enable bridging across all installed interfaces,
or to Disable Bridge to disable bridging across all installed interfaces.
from the Chassis View window:
1. Click on the Board Index of the device of interest; the Board menu will
2. Drag down to Enable Bridge to enable bridging across all installed interfaces,
or to Disable Bridge to disable bridging across all installed interfaces.
Bridge Statistics
The following sections describe Statistics windows that are available for the
bridge that is being monitored via SPECTRUM Element Manager, both at the
device and port levels.
Performance Graphs
You use Bridge Performance Graphs to view a color-coded strip chart that shows
you the trafÞc being bridged through all networks or an individual network
supported by your device. You can conÞgure the display to show frames Þltered,
forwarded, or transmitted across the device or its individual bridging interfaces,
as well as the number of errors experienced at both levels. The graph has an X axis
that indicates the 60-second interval over which charting occurs continuously,
while its Y axis measures the number of packets or errors that are processed by
the device or its bridging interfaces.
You can select the type of errors you wish to monitor by using the available menu
buttons. When you click on the error type you wish to view, the name of that error
will appear in the button, and the Performance Graph will refresh. The graph will
now generate a strip chart based on the newly deÞned parameters.