show running-config partition
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show running-config partition
To display the list of commands that make up the current running configuration for a specific part of the
system’s global running configuration, use the show running-config partition command in privileged
EXEC mode.
show running-config partition part
Syntax Description part The part argument will consist of one or more keyword options. These
keywords represent a partition of the system’s running configuration state, as
a major-descriptor and, in some cases, one or more minor-descriptors.
For example, in the command show running-config partition router
eigrp 1, the major-descriptor for the part argument is the router keyword,
and the minor-descriptors for the part argument are the eigrp 1 keywords.
The actual list of part keyword options will depend on your system hardware,
what feature set you are running, and what features are currently configured
on your system.
Some examples of command part keyword options are provided here for
reference. Use the show running-config partition ? command on your
system to view the list of command options available on your system.
• access-list—Displays all running configuration commands that make up
the access-list configuration partition.
• boot—Displays all running configuration commands that make up the
boot configuration partition.
• class-map—Displays all running configuration commands that make up
the class-map configuration partition.
• global-cdp—Displays all running configuration commands that make up
the global CDP configuration partition.
• interface [type slot/port/number]—Displays all running configuration
commands that make up the interfaces configuration partition or the
configuration commands that are applied to the specified interface.
• line—Displays all running configuration commands that make up the
line command configuration partition.
• policy-map—Displays all running configuration commands that make
up the policy-map configuration partition.
• route-map—Displays all running configuration commands that make up
the route-map configuration partition.
• router [protocol]—Displays all running configuration commands that
make up the router configuration partition, or the configuration
commands for the specified routing protocol.
• service—Displays all running configuration commands that make up the
services (small server) configuration partition.
• snmp—Displays all running configuration commands that make up the
SNMP configuration partition.
• | – Allows for the addition of output modifiers.