show memory transient
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show memory transient
To display statistics about transient memory, use the show memory transient command in user EXEC
or privileged EXEC mode.
show memory transient [allocating-process [totals] | dead [totals] | fragment [detail] | free
[totals] | statistics [history]]
Syntax Description
Command Modes User EXEC
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Examples The following is sample output from the show memory transient command:
Router# show memory transient
Processor memory
Address Bytes Prev Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC what
81F99C00 0002236408 00000000 821BBC28 000 829C8104 82776FD0 8060B6D0 (coalesc)
821BBC28 0000020004 81F99C00 821C0A7C 001 -------- -------- 8002D5C0 Managed s
821C0A7C 0000010004 821BBC28 821C31C0 001 -------- -------- 811604C0 List Eles
821C31C0 0000005004 821C0A7C 821C457C 001 -------- -------- 81160500 List Heas
Table 117 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
allocating-process (Optional) Displays allocating memory totals by name.
dead [totals] (Optional) Displays memory totals on dead processes.
fragment [detail] (Optional) Displays memory statistics for fragmented processes.
free [totals] (Optional) Displays statistics on free memory.
statistics [history] (Optional) Displays memory pool history statistics on all processes.
Release Modification
12.0 This command was introduced.
Table 117 show memory transient Field Descriptions
Field Description
Address Hexadecimal address of the block.
Bytes Size of the block (in bytes).
Prev Address of the preceding block (should match the address on preceding line).
Next Address of the following block (should match the address on following line).
Ref Reference count for that memory block, indicating how many different processes are
using that block of memory.
PrevF Address of the preceding free block (if free).