OCIO/ ITS Infrastructure Deployment Branch HP/Compaq TC4400 Tablet PC User Guide
5.2 Speech
Speech recognition is a computer feature that converts spoken words into typed text or voice
• By using a microphone, you can speak to your Tablet PC computer either to dictate or
give commands.
o Dictate to your computer to enter text into any program.
o Use voice commands to correct any errors, format text that you have dictated, or
control any windows based program.
• Speaking to your computer is often easier and quicker than using the Tablet PC pen to
enter text.
o It may also be more comfortable, allowing you to rest your hands and wrists.
o Dictating to your computer enables you to save thoughts or ideas immediately,
before you forget them.
• You can use your computer's speech feature and Tablet PC pen at the same time.
o Use the microphone to enter text.
o Use the pen to correct and format the text.
• Before you can use speech to enter text or to control your computer, you must display the
speech bar. The speech bar contains the menu and buttons that you use to control the
speech feature (Figure 5.2.a).
• When you use speech the first time, you are prompted to set up your microphone and
train the computer to recognize your voice.
o You will be prompted to go through tutorials that will train the Tablet PC to
recognize your voice.
o This is required for speech recognition to function properly.
o Once the required speech recognition training is completed and speech is selected,
the view of the tablet PC input panel will change to allow speech options, Figure
• To use Speech, on the tablet PC Input panel, click [ Tools ] Î [ Speech ].
Figure 5.2.a – Input Panel Speech Feature
 An external microphone is required for speech recognition to train properly.
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