46 Command Modes
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interface range ethernet Enters the interface configuration mode to configure multiple ethernet
type interfaces.
interface range port-channel Enters the interface configuration mode to configure multiple port-
interface range vlan Enters the interface configuration mode to configure multiple VLANs.
interface vlan Enters the interface configuration (VLAN) mode.
ip default-gateway Defines a default gateway.
ip domain-lookup Enables the IP Domain Naming System (DNS)-based host name-to-
address translation.
ip domain-name Defines a default domain name, that the software uses to complete
unqualified host names.
ip host Defines static host name-to-address mapping in the host cache.
ip http authentication Specifies authentication methods for http.
ip http port Specifies the TCP port for use by a web browser to configure the
ip http server
Enables the device to be configured from a browser
ip https authentication Specifies authentication methods for https
ip https certificate Configures the active certificate for HTTPS. Use the
form of this
command to return to default.
ip https server
Enables the device to be configured from a secured browser
ip https port Configures a TCP port for use by a secure web browser to configure
the device.
ip igmp snooping (Global) Enables Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping
ip name-server Sets the available name servers.
ip ssh port Specifies the port to be used by the SSH server.
ip ssh pubkey-auth Enables public key authentication for incoming SSH sessions.
ip ssh server Enables the device to be configured from a SSH server.
lacp system-priority Configures the system LACP priority.
line Identifies a specific line for configuration and enters the line
configuration command mode.
logging Logs messages to a syslog server.
logging buffered Limits syslog messages displayed from an internal buffer based on
logging buffered size Changes the number of syslog messages stored in the internal buffer.
logging console Limits messages logged to the console based on severity.