About Your System 25
E171F PCIE Fatal
Err B## D##
The system BIOS has
reported a PCIe fatal error
on a component that resides
in PCIe configuration space
at bus ##, device ##,
function ##.
Remove and reseat the
PCIe expansion cards. If
the problem persists, see
Expansion Cards" on
page 159. If
troubleshooting does not
resolve the problem, see
"Getting Help" on
page 175.
PCIE Fatal
Err Slot #
The system BIOS has
reported a PCIe fatal error
on a component that resides
in the specified slot.
E1810 HDD ## Fault The SAS subsystem has
determined that hard drive
## has experienced a fault.
See "Troubleshooting a
Hard Drive" on page 153.
E1811 HDD ## Rbld
Specified hard drive has
ended rebuild before
See "Troubleshooting a
Hard Drive" on page 153.
E1812 HDD ##
The specified hard drive has
been removed from the
Information only.
E1913 CPU &
The BMC firmware does not
support the CPU.
Update to the latest BMC
firmware. See the BMC
User’s Guide for more
information on setup and
use of BMC.
E1A14 SAS Cable A SAS cable A is missing or
Reseat the cable. If the
problem persists, replace
the cable.
E1A15 SAS Cable B SAS cable B is missing or
Reseat the cable. If the
problem persists, replace
the cable.
E1A15 SAS Cable C SAS cable C is missing or
Reseat the cable. If the
problem persists, replace
the cable.
Table 1-5. LCD Status Messages (continued)
Code Text Causes Corrective Actions