Emerson FM-3 Network Card User Manual

FM-3 Programming Module Reference Manual
Jog.Stop ‘Decelerate to a stop
If (ModuleInput.3=ON) Then ‘Jog- when ModuleInput.3=ON
Jog.0.MinusInitiate ‘Vel=20in/s
Wait For ModuleInput.3=OFF ‘Stop when the input goes OFF
Jog.Stop ‘Decelerate to a stop
Wait For (MasterAxis.PosnFeedback > 1000.00)
DriveOutput.1 = ON
Wait For (VelFeedback > 50.00)
DriveOutput.2 = ON
Wait For Time
This program instruction is used to halt program execution for a specified period of time. This
instruction is not a motion instruction and can be used while a motion instruction is executing.
Units: Seconds, Resolution: 0.001 seconds
A comment is automatically inserted after the “Wait For Time” instruction which notes that the
time is in units of seconds. The comment starts with the apostrophe ‘ character.
Wait For Time 5.000 ‘seconds
Do While (TRUE) ‘Repeat until the program is halted
Index.1.Initiate ‘Incremental,Dist=25.250in,Vel=10.0in/s
Wait For AtVel
‘Turn Output 1 ON for 1 second, after the
‘index reaches its’ target velocity
Wait For Time 1.000 ‘seconds
Wait For Index.AnyCommandComplete
Call Program
This program flow instruction is used to call another program. When the called program
finishes the controller picks up where it left off in the program that called it. This is often used
when a section of code is used in multiple places in a program. By moving the code to another
program and calling that program the total number of program lines can be reduced. This can
also make the program easier to understand. Care should be taken not to "nest" more than four
program calls due to processor stack overflow. Therefore, no more than four different programs
should be called without returning to the original program.