Emerson FM-3 Network Card User Manual

Parameter Descriptions
Gear Decel
This parameter sets the deceleration of the realtime gearing ramp. Gear.Decel units are in
Follower Units/Velocity Time Base/Acceleration Time Base. The Gear.Decel functions only
when the follower is ramping its speed down after the gearing function has turned off.
Gear Decel Enable
Gear.DecelEnable is a Destination that when it is "on" allows a gear to run a specified decel
ramp after the gearing command is turned off.
Gear Decelerating
If Gear.DecelEnable is activated, this source is activated during the time between Gear.Initate
= Off and Gear.CommandComplete = On.
Gear Recovery Distance
This variable measures the distance the follower loses from the master. This distance lost is
measured between a Gear Initiate and the Gear At Velocity.
Any Command Complete
This source is active when any home motion command is completed, if a stop is activated
before the home has completed the function will not be activated. Inactivated when a home
command is executed.
This parameter sets the average Acceleration rate used during the home, units are specified
on the User Units page.