Configuring NetDAQ Logger for Windows
Setup Files
Setup Files 3-14.
NetDAQ Logger allows you to save the current setup in a file. You can open the
setup file later to reestablish the saved setup. Using setup files, you can create any
number of setups in advance and use them when applicable.
You can set up your system so that you can activate NetDAQ Logger by opening
a setup file. With the Windows 95 user interface, you can create shortcuts to setup
files. With the Windows 3.1 user interface, you can associate setup files (.stp file
extension) with NetDAQ Logger.
You can use command line arguments for NetDAQ Logger so that, when
activated, NetDAQ Logger automatically opens a specified setup file. You can
also set it up to start logging when activated.
Saving the Current Setup in a File 3-15.
Each time you change an instrument’s configuration, you change the current
setup. You can save these changes to a setup file. If you want to retain the old
configuration, you can save the current setup under a new name, thereby creating
a new file, leaving the old one intact.
• To save the current setup to the setup file of the same name, select Setup |
Save Setup or click the Save Setup toolbar button. If the file does not exist, a
standard Windows Save Setup As dialog box appears permitting you to enter
the file name.
• To save the current setup to a new file, select Setup | Save Setup As. Enter the
desired setup name in the File Name box and modify the directory path as
required. (For example, setup04.stp as shown below.) Click Save.