2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Performance Test 6-5.
When received, the 2640A/2645A is calibrated and in operating condition. The
following Performance Test procedures are provided for acceptance testing upon
initial receipt or to verify correct instrument operation. The performance tests
must be performed in sequence.
If the instrument fails a performance test, the instrument requires service or
repair. To perform these tests, you will need a Fluke 5700A Multifunction
Calibrator and several other pieces of equipment meeting the minimum
specifications given in Table 6-2.
Each of the measurements listed in the following steps assume the instrument is
being tested after a 1/2 hour warm-up, in an environment with an ambient
temperature of 18 to 28°C, and a relative humidity of less than 70%.
The 2640A/2645A instrument contains high voltages that
can be dangerous or fatal. Only qualified personnel
should attempt to service the instrument.
Configuring the Performance Test Setup 6-6.
Configure the performance test setup as described below. The performance test
requires a complete network connection between the host computer and
instrument under test, including a host computer Ethernet interface and
installation of NetDAQ Logger. If you have not yet configured and tested a
network connection for the host computer and instrument, complete the
appropriate installation procedure for your network configuration before
conducting any performance testing.
1. Connect the Instrument and the Host Computer Connect the supplied
50-ohm coaxial cable, with a BNC "T" or "Y" and 50-ohm terminator,
between the host computer BNC Ethernet port and the instrument BNC
Ethernet port. The 50-ohm terminator with the ground lead is used at the
instrument with the terminator ground lug connected to the ground terminal
adjacent to the BNC port (Figure 6-2). See Chapter 2 for other interconnection
2. Connect the 5700A to Channel 1 Connect a cable from the Output VA HI
and LO connectors of the 5700A to the Universal Input Module terminals for
channel 1 connecting the 5700A HI to terminal H and LO to terminal L. Insert
the Universal Input Module into the instrument under test (Figure 6-3).