2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Unable to communicate with instrument!
You have not made RS-232 connection with the instrument for calibration
Check that the host computer and instrument have the same baud rate and are
properly interconnected. (See the Service Manual for more information.)
Unable to Create Configuration Text File!
The name you selected for the text file already exists or is write protected or you
have run out of disk space.
Unable to create Trend Link Data Set chart file [File Name]
Trend Link is unable to create the Data Set *.cht file for your Trend Link data
Check that the directory permission is not set to Read-Only, check the path for
your data file to make sure the directory path allows access, and verify you have
sufficient disk space for the new chart file.
Unable to get a Trend Link DLL function address!
Your Trend Link installation is missing the required c:\Program
Files\Fluke\tl\tbase.dll file.
Check that your Trend Link installation is complete. You may also be trying to
operate with portions of an older version of Trend Link. Reinstall Trend Link
following the procedures in Chapter 2.
Unable to initialize DDE!
Windows is unable to support DDE operations due to low memory or other
Windows resource problem.
Close all applications and restart Windows.
Unable to initialize Winsock! Verify that driver has been loaded.
Your winsock.dll file was found but could not be initialized.
If this is a new installation, you most likely forgot to reboot your computer after
installing your TCP/IP software. If in doubt, reboot your computer NOW and try
again. See if more than one winsock.dll file is on your computer and the
wrong one is being loaded. If the problem persists, reinstall NetDAQ Logger