2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
DDE reference includes the Service Name, Topics, and Items: (cont)
Service Name Topics Items
NETDAQ for 16-bit
NETDAQ32 for 32-bit
(The status of Alarm 1 for all
30 channels is summarized as
a 30-bit binary number
expressed in decimal.)
(The status of Alarm 2 for all
30 channels is summarized as
a 30-bit binary number
expressed in decimal.)
(The scan timestamp in Excel
System Topics
(System,BCN01, BCN02, etc)
(Topics, SysItems, Formats)
DDE Example Using Excel G-3.
Complete the following procedure to make a DDE connection between NetDAQ
Logger and an Excel spreadsheet. This is presented as an example where
instrument BCN=25, is logging data from three configured channels, 13, 14, and
15 into Excel cells A1, A2, and A3 respectively.
1. In NetDAQ Logger, click the Start Instrument button to begin data collection.
You do not have to be recording to a data file to use DDE.
2. Open Excel from the Applications group in Program Manager or from Start |