2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Unable to Open Setup File!
You have specified a setup file name or directory that does not exist.
Check your files and directories for the correct name and path. If you are using
this setup file on the NetDAQ Logger command line, change the command line to
a valid file name and path. (See "Starting NetDAQ Logger with a Setup File" in
Chapter 3 of this manual.)
Unable to read Trend Link default template chart file - tldef.cht!
Your NetDAQ Logger installation is missing the required c:\Program
Files\Fluke\netdaq\tldef.cht file.
The installation of NetDAQ Logger may be corrupted. Reinstall NetDAQ Logger
following the procedures in Chapter 2.
Unable to stop scanning!
You have lost communications with your instrument and scanning cannot be
When you lose communications with the instrument while scanning, it is
indeterminate if it is a network problem or an instrument problem. If it is a
network problem, then the instrument continues to scan. To remedy this situation,
correct the communications problem and then click the Stop Instrument button
(acknowledge the "Unable to stop scanning!" message) and then click the Start
Instrument button again. You can also cycle the instrument power to stop
Unable to Write to Configuration Text File!
The name you selected for the text file already exists as a Read-Only file or you
have run out of disk space.
Choose a different name for the text file, remove the Read-Only property of the
existing file, or free up disk space.
Unable to Write to Data File! Check disk space.
You have run out of space on the disk drive used for your data file, or the disk
drive is not responding.
Check your disk medium. If you are using a floppy disk, make sure the disk has
not been removed from the drive.
If you are writing to a Trend Link data file and there is still free disk space
remaining on your disk drive, data logging may have been stopped due to settings