2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
3. Verify Accuracy Configure the 5700A for the output values below and
verify the Spy window measurement is between the minimum and maximum
values. Change the channel 1 range as required (see Step 1).
Volts AC Range 5700A Output Minimum Reading Maximum Reading
300 mV 20 mV@1 kHz 0.0197V 0.0203V
300 mV 20 mV@100 kHZ 0.0185V 0.0215V
300 mV 300 mV@1 kHz 0.29885V 0.30115V
300 mV 300 mV@100 kHz 0.2845V 0.3155V
3V 3V@1 kHz 2.9885V 3.0115V
30V 30V@1 kHz 29.885V 30.115V
300V [2640A only] 300V@1 kHz 298.85V 301.15V
4. Close Spy Window.
Frequency Accuracy Test 6-12.
Complete the following procedure to test the accuracy of the frequency function
for the 2640A and 2645A. Measurement accuracy applies to all channels, not just
the channel used for the test.
1. Configure Channel 1 for Frequency In NetDAQ Logger, configure channel
1 for frequency. There is no range selection for frequency as all frequency
measurements use Autoranging. (See “Configuring Analog Channel
Functions" in Chapter 3 of this manual.)
2. Open Spy Window Select the Spy command from the Utilities menu. Select
channel 0101 (instrument 01, channel 01) from the Channel list. Click OK to
open the Spy window.
3. Verify Accuracy Configure the 5700A for the output values below and
verify the Spy window measurement is between the minimum and maximum
values. Change the channel 1 range as required (see Step 1).
Frequency Range 5700A Output Minimum Reading Maximum Reading
Autorange Only 1V@10 kHz 9.994 kHz 10.006 kHz
4. Close Spy Window.