Gateway Equipment or software used to relay network connections. The
“doorway” of the network.
HPA High Powered Amplifier.
ICCID Integrated Circuit Card ID. The unique serial number, international
number of the mobile user (IMSI), security authentication and ci-
phering information, temporary information related to the local net-
work, a list of the services the user has access to and two
passwords (PIN for usual use and PUK for unlocking).
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol. Protocol used to send error and
warning messages. Allows networks and connected computers to
mutually exchange status information.
IDENT Identification Protocol. Protocol that sends information about the
client to the server.
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identifier. A 15-digit number which
indicates the model number, manufacturer, producer, and serial
number of cell phones and data cards.
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Specific number assigned
to individual SIM cards. Enables telephone communication.
IP filter Software that can be configured to easily deny or allow access to a
specific port or address.
IPSec Internet Protocol Security. A protocol suite for securing Internet
Protocol (IP) communications by authenticating and encrypting
each IP packet of a data stream.
ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network. A digital communications net-
work that handles data integration for phones and faxes.
LAN Local Area Network. Cable, Fibre-optic, etc. network that allows
computers in the same geographical area to connect to each other
and to other devices such as printers, servers, etc.
LaunchPad BGAN application software to control devices in the system. CD-
ROM supplied by Inmarsat.
MAC address Media Access Control address. Unique number that identifies each
computer on the network. Consists of 6 by 16 decimals.
Metric The criteria used by the router to select the optimal route.
NBT NetBIOS over TCP/IP. A networking protocol that allows legacy
computer applications relying on the NetBIOS API to be used on
modern TCP/IP networks.
nslookup A command used in troubleshooting DNS service.
NTP Network Time protocol. A protocol which correctly synchronizes the
clock to correct time with the equipment.
OTA Over The Air. A term meaning wireless communication.
PBX Private Branch eXchange. A telephone exchange that serves a
particular business or office, as opposed to one that a common car-
rier or telephone company operates for many businesses or for the
general public.