Enhancements in Release F.02.11
Fast-Uplink Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
To use fast-uplink STP on a Series 2500 switch, configure fast-uplink (Mode = Uplink) only on the
switch’s upstream ports; (that is, two or more ports forming a group of redundant links in the direction
of the STP root switch). If the active link in this group goes down, fast-uplink STP selects a different
upstream port as the root port and resumes moving traffic in as little as ten seconds. The device(s)
on the other end of the links must be running STP. However, because fast uplink should be configured
only on the Series 2500 switch uplink ports, the device(s) on the other end of the links can be either
HP devices or another vendor’s devices, regardless of whether they support fast uplink. For example:
Figure 67. Example of How To Implement Fast-Uplink STP
Term Definition
downlink port
(downstream port)
A switch port that is linked to a port on another switch (or to an end node) that is sequentially
further away from the STP root device. For example, port "C" in figure 67, above, is a downlink
edge switch For the purposes of fast-uplink STP, this is a switch that has no other switches connected to
its downlink ports. An edge switch is sequentially further from the root device than other
switches to which it is connected. Also termed wiring closet switch or leaf switch. For
example, switch "4" in figure 68 (page 150) is an edge switch.
interior switch In an STP environment, a switch that is sequentially closer to the STP root device than one
or more other switches to which it is connected. For example, switches "1", "2", and "3" in
figure 68 (page 150) are interior switches.
single-instance spanning
A single spanning-tree ensuring that there are no logical network loops associated with any
of the connections to the switch, regardless of whether there are any VLANs configured on
the switch. For more information, see "Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)" in chapter 9, "Configuring
Advanced Features", in the Management and Configuration Guide for your Series 2500 switch.
uplink port
(upstream port)
A switch port linked to a port on another switch that is sequentially closer to the STP root
device. For example, ports "A" and "B" in figure 67 on page 149 are uplink ports.
wiring closet switch Another term for an "edge" or "leaf" switch.
• STP is running on both switches.
• Port "A" and port "B" are both configured for
fast-uplink STP (Mode = Uplink).
STP Root Switch
Series 2500
(Wiring Closet,
or Edge
STP Blocking
Port A is the STP root port.
Port B provides a backup redundant link.
that becomes the new STP root port
(uplink port) if the link through port A fails.