HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2300 Switch User Manual

Software Fixes
Release F.05.55
Fixed in release F.05.55
LLDP (PR_1000310666) — The command "show LLDP" does not display information
learned from CDPv2 packets.
Menu (PR_1000318531) — When using the 'Menu' interface, the Switch hostname may be
displayed incorrectly.
RSTP (PR_99049) — Switch does not detect and block network topology loops on a single
port. For example, the port connects to a hub that has a loop or the port connects to an
inactive node via IBM 'Type 1' cable.
Release F.05.56 (Not a General Release)
Fixed in release F.05.56
CLI (PR_1000330553) — When issuing the CLI command "show snmp-server," unrecog-
nizable characters are displayed in the output.
Web UI (PR_1000302713) — When using the web interface and a large amount of stacking
interactions occur, portions of the information from the stack commander may no longer
Release F.05.57 (Not a General Release)
Fixed in release F.05.57
CLI (PR_1000358129) — The command line interface (CLI) becomes unresponsive after
running RMON traps code.
Hang (PR_1000346328) — RMON alarms/events configuration files may become corrupt
and prevent initialization, resulting in failure to boot.
Web-UI (PR_1000354124) — Web UI hangs after changing Operator login/password.
Release F.05.58 (Never Released)
Fixed in release F.05.58
Enhancement (PR_1000340292) — Flash file system compaction improvements.