Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.70
Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.60
Syntax: aaa port-access authenticator < port-list > (Syntax Continued)
[reauth-period < 1 - 9999999 >]
Sets the period of time after which clients connected must be
re-authenticated. When the timeout is set to 0 the reauthen-
tication is disabled (Default: 0 second)
[unauth-vid < vlan-id >]
Configures an existing static VLAN to be the Unauthorized-
Client VLAN. This enables you to provide a path for clients
without supplicant software to download the software and
begin an authentication session. Refer to “802.1X Open
VLAN Mode” on page -44.
[auth-vid < vid >
Configures an existing, static VLAN to be the Authorized-
Client VLAN. Refer to “802.1X Open VLAN Mode” on page 44.
On the specified ports, blocks inbound and outbound traffic
and restarts the 802.1X authentication process. This
happens only on ports configured with control auto and
actively operating as 802.1X authenticators. Note: If a
specified port is configured with control authorized and port-
security, and the port has learned an authorized address, the
port will remove this address and learn a new one from the
first packet it receives.
Forces reauthentication (unless the authenticator is in
'HELD' state).
Clears authenticator statistics counters.