Table 7. Fault symptom codes (continued)
Message FSC ERP
Drive Status Fail 503D F
Command response from unexpected source 7001 D,G
Control command execution failed 7002 D,G
Control response not matched to a known command 7003 D,G
Loader response not matched to a known command 7004 D,G
Drive response not matched to a known command 7005 D,G
Flash response not matched to a known command 7006 D,G
Drive index on Update Status message was invalid 7007 C,D,G
The Drive response was not expected 7008 C,D,G
The opcode for a WORD message was unknown 7009 C,D,G
The opcode for a DWORD message was unknown 700A C,D,G
The button causing library to go offline was unknown 700B C,D,G
Destination Xchg was Null 700C C,G
Sending of a cmd failed 700D C,G
Deactivating a drive that is not attached 700E C,G
Deactivation of a drive failed 700F C,G
Drive removal failed 7010 C,G
HotPlug statue update failed 7011 C,G
Drive is Active failed 7012 C,G
Control Com Unidentified 7013 C,G
Drive status update failed 7014 C,G
Loader command execution failed 7015 C,G
Sequential command execution failed 7016 C,G
Destination Xchg for msg. was Null 7017 C,G
Bad src mod in peg msg 7018 C,G
Peg message wrapping a Null msg. ptr. 7019 C,G
Xchg conversion failed 701A C,G
Invalid L-drive number to convert 701B C,G
Invalid P-drive number to convert 701C C,G
Invalid mod number to convert 701D C,G
Cartridge reject recovery failed 8001 C,D,G
Drive Fan stalled 8002 C,D,G
Drive load did not complete 8003 C,D,G
Invalid drive was installed 8004 F
Orphan cartridge recovery failed 9001 C,D,G
Move operation failed 9002 C,D,G
SMX send error A001 C,G
SMX receive error A002 C,G
Comm free list empty A003 C,G
Invalid comm. put attempt A004 C,G
52 4560SLX Tape Library: User’s Guide