How Long Will the Upgrade Take?
The upgrade process includes planning, ordering, shipping, installing and testing
the system. The following table shows approximately how long an upgrade might
Note: You should plan at least one additional hour of down time to load the
operating system for systems not preloaded.
Order Planning - 5 to 15
Installation Planning and Preparation - 10 to 30 days Phase II Installation - Weekend
(1 to 3 days)
Phase I Installation - 5 to
20 Days
See “Prerequisite and
Related Information” on
page ix for required
See “Prerequisite and
Related Information” on
page ix for required
Save System Upgrade Hardware
System Requirements Solution Assurance Upgrade Software Verify System
Performance Hardware and Software
Check History and Clean
Up Messages
Save System
Determine Services
Physical Planning (Site
Save System
Place Order
What is A Data Migration?
A data migration is the process of moving the OS/400
and the data from one
model AS/400 to a new model AS/400.
The source system must be at the same release level as the target server. This
includes OS/400, all objects, and all licensed programs.
For customers ordering a new RISC AS/400 server with V4R4 or V4R5 to replace
an existing RISC AS/400 model (″source″) and needing to migrate their data from
the ″source″ model to the new server, a new feature code Feature Code (F/C)
#0205, is now available. This new feature code should be ordered against the new
RISC AS/400 server. It is valid on orders for all new servers except the Models 150
and SB1.
For Feature Code #0205, the customer must have purchased a new server with
enough hardware and disk unit to hold all of the data from the ″source″ model as
well as any new data including any required IBM software (OS/400 and so forth).
Additionally, the RISC-to-RISC Data Migration process requires that the ″source″
model must be at the same version/release of OS/400 and Licensed Program
Products (LPPs) as that of the ″new″ server which has been ordered/received.
Customers with Version 3 (V3R7) on their ″source″ model must upgrade to Version
4. It is recommended that they purchase Software Subscription for AS/400. They
must then order and upgrade to match the new server (V4R4 or V4R5) in order to
proceed with their data migration. V3R7 cannot be directly upgraded to V4R4 or
V4R5 therefore, to do this the source system will need to be upgraded to V4R2 or
V4R3 before upgrading to V4R4 or V4R5. Customers with Version 4 must obtain
new server release of OS/400 licenses of the LPPs, either through new orders or
via Software Subscription for AS/400.
Chapter 1. Overview of RISC-to-RISC Upgrades and Data Migrations 3