also generates updates for the IBM inventory database so that the records at IBM
match the customers actual hardware configuration.
How to Use the Enhanced Upgrade Order Process
To use the EUOP functions on the system, do the following:
1. Update the contact information. (the person who is working on the order)
a. Type WRKCNTINF and press the Enter key. The Work with Support Contact
Information menu appears.
b. Select option 5 (Work with upgrade order information). The Work with Upgrade
Order Information display appears.
c. Select option 2 (Change upgrade contact information).
d. Enter or correct the information on the Change Upgrade Contact Information
Note: Insert the IBM representative’s name, mailing address, e-mail
address, and phone number to allow for proper customer support.
e. Press the Enter key. The Work with Upgrade Order Information display
f. Press F12 (Cancel).
2. Create a record of the current hardware configuration:
a. Type GO ORDER and press the Enter key. The Order Options display appears.
b. Select option 4 (Work with order information). The system creates a file that
contains your current hardware configuration.
c. The message Order information data incomplete might appear. If so,
position the cursor on the message and press help (F1). Follow the
instructions on the Additional Message Information display.
d. On the Work with Order Information Files display, type 1 (Send to IBM) in the
Opt column next to the configuration file to be send. The system starts the
electronic customer support function and sends the file to the IBM RETAIN
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