Replace in reverse order.
1. The jumpers on the new system board should be set to match the board being
2. Licensed programs frequently rely on network configuration or system board
information to authorize program use. Notify the system owner that new keys for
licensed programs may be required.
3. The network administrator must be notified so that the client IP addresses used
by the server may be changed.
4. Because some applications use the date upon system startup, the date should
be reset immediately by doing the following:
a. Boot the system unit in Service Mode by pressing the 5 or F5 key after the
keyboard symbol appears during startup.
b. Enter the Service Aid menu, and select the AIX temporary shell.
c. Use smitty to set the time and date.
d. Shut down and restart the system unit.
For the Model 140, note the following cables must be reattached.
Location Description
J7, J8 System Board Power Supply
J16 Diskette Drive Signal Cable
J5 CD-ROM Audio
J33 Internal SCSI
J27 System Fan
J30 System Fan
J40 Power Switch
J42 Power Indicator LED
J43 Disk Drive activity LED
J46 Speaker
J24 Serial Port 1
J23 Serial Port 2
J50 Ethernet AUI
J25 Tablet
J41 Operator Panel
J2 System Board auxiliary voltage power supply
J10 Media Fan power cable
Chapter 8. Removal and Replacement Procedures 8-29