
Display Report
Report width.....: 117
Position to line ..... ______ Shift to column ...... _____
Line ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7...
000001 EMMERSON LA 71282 .25
000002 APT 43 EMMERSON LA 71282 .45
000003 VD EMMERSON LA 71282 9.38
****** ******** End of Report ********
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F19=Left F20=Right F21=Split F22=Width 80
Last column of report.
10. Press F3 (Exit), F12 (Cancel), or the Enter key to return to the Select Records display. Then press F3
(Exit). The Exit This Query display is shown.
Exit This Query
Type choices, press Enter.
Save definition . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Run option...... 1 1=Run interactively
2=Run in batch
3=Do not run
For a saved definition:
Query ....... KJOQRY Name
Library ..... YOURLIB Name, F4 for list
Text ...... Lists customer names and addresses
authorization list name
F4=Prompt F5=Report F13=Layout F14=Define the query
You can use this display to run the query with the changes you made. You can also choose to make
the query changes either permanent or for this time only. Because you may never again want a report
that lists only customers in Louisiana, you may not want to make the changes permanent. And
because you have already used F5 to run the query and see the report, you do not want to run the
query again.
11. Fill in the Exit This Query display as follows:
214 Query for iSeries Use V5R2