Work with Queries
Library........ QGPL Name, *LIBL, F4 for list
Subset ........ __________ Name, generic*
Position to...... __________ Starting character(s)
Type options (and Query), press Enter.
1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Print
8=Run in batch 9=Run
Opt Query Text Changed
_ __________
_ ACCTPAYFEB Accounts payable for February 02-29-88
_ ACCTPAYMAR Accounts payable for March 03-31-88
_ ACCTRECFEB Accounts receivable for February 02-29-88
_ ACCTRECMAR Accounts receivable for March 03-31-88
_ INTFEB Customer acct interest accumulated - Feb. 02-29-88
_ INTMAR Customer acct interest accumulated - March 03-31-88
_ INVFEB Ending inventory for February 02-29-88
_ INVMAR Ending inventory for March 03-31-88
_ PAYROLLFEB Total payroll, by day, for February 02-29-88
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=Display names only
F12=Cancel F19=Next group
After you press F11, all lists on all the Query displays that use F11 are shown in the form you chose until
you press F11 again.
Selecting a library for your Query for iSeries queries
The library name indicates where you want to store a new query or where an existing query is already
stored. (If you are creating a query, you do not need to specify a library name if you do not intend to save
the query.) Also, if you decide later during query definition that you do want to save the query, you are
given another opportunity to specify (a query name and) a library name at the end of definition time.
If this is the first time you are using Query, your current library is supplied as the library name. If you do
not have a current library, QGPL is used. When you specify a different library name, a special library
name, or a generic library name, Query supplies that name the next time you use this display. You can
use the same value each time, or you can change it to a different library or library group. (See “Query for
iSeries profile information” on page 18 for more information.)
To look at or use a different library, or a list of libraries from which you can choose, do either of the
v Type the name of the library, a generic library name, or a special library name in the Library prompt and
press the Enter key. A list of all the queries in that library or group of libraries for which you have the
authority to use is shown. If there are multiple libraries, the queries are listed in alphabetical order within
each library. The libraries themselves are shown in alphabetical order if *ALL, *ALLUSR, or a generic
library name is specified. If you specify *LIBL or *USRLIBL, the libraries are shown in the order that they
are listed in the library list.
If you specify a library name or special value that contains no query definitions (or none that you have
authority to use), a message is displayed indicating there were no queries.
If the list of queries is not empty but one of the libraries in the group is being used or is damaged, a
message is displayed indicating that the list may be incomplete.
v Move the cursor to the Library prompt and either leave the prompt blank or type a generic name or a
special library name, then press F4 to list the libraries. A list of the libraries that you are authorized to
use is shown.
16 Query for iSeries Use V5R2