Chapter 4 - Configuring Impulse with Application Developer
The Command Tab allows you to configure the Command Signal and Jog Input parameters, and
to select the level of Numeric Precision that Application Developer will use to build the project file.
Command Signal Configuration
• Drive Resolution - Enter the operating step resolution in integer multiples of four times the
tooth count of the motor (50 tooth count x 4 = 200), or select a resolution from the scrolla-
ble list. Note: the default resolution is 25,000 and the valid range is 200 to 100,000.
• Stop Rate - Enter the deceleration rate of the motor when a STOP or EOT input is acti-
vated (see Limits Tables in Ch. 9, Troubleshooting the Impulse). Notes: (1) The Stop Rate
units are user-defined (selected). (2) The Stop Rate should be a value that ensures enough
torque to control deceleration while not allowing the motor to stall.
• Direction - Sets motor direction. Toggle the Direction button to select Direction + (CW) or
Direction - (CCW).
• Shutdown Polarity - Toggle the Shutdown Polarity button to select Shutdown Active
Low or Shutdown Active High.
Jog Input Configuration
This option allows you to modify the jog parameters (Jog Accel, Jog Low, Jog High) to be
used by the Jog Inputs (JOG+, JOG-, JOG SPEED). These values will be in displayed in units
selected in the Project Wizard (Mechanical Setup Move Units) or in Axis Setup > Mechanics
> Change Mechanical Sytem/Units.
Note: Numeric entries made in the Jog Input Configuration section of the Command tab
are applied using the user-defined units shown. If the units are changed (Setup > Axis >
Mechanical > Change Mechanical System/Units), the user must edit the Jog Input
Configuration values to obtain the intended velocities and acceleration in terms of the new
units. Application Developer does not automatically translate the numeric values when the
units are changed.
Enter Jog values directly in the text input boxes or use default values (shown below).
• Jog Accel (Jog Accel/Decel) - Default = 20.00 (user-defined units)
• Jog Low (Jog Low Speed) - Default = 0.50 (user-defined units)