Impulse PCW-5181 Computer Drive User Manual

Chapter 4 - Configuring Impulse with Application Developer
Advanced (Advanced Tuning)
The Advanced tab allows you to enable/disable and modify various advanced performance features
of the Impulse drive.
Enable this feature by selecting the Enabled check box. Ensure that both Damping Gains
are configured if Anti-Resonance is enabled.
Current Reduction Mode
•Select Stop to enable the stop mode current reduction time-out period. Stop Mode reduces
current by 25%. This time-out period is directly entered in milliseconds. The valid range is
6 to 19,656 ms.
•Select Idle to set the idle mode current reduction time-out period. This time-out period is
directly entered in seconds. The valid range is 0 to 3600 seconds (0 = disabled).
•In the % box, enter the percentage that current will be reduced after the idle mode time-
out has expired. The valid range is 0 to 100%.
•Select Dynamic Smoothing Enabled by clicking on the check box and entering the recom-
mended gain in the input box. Dynamic Smoothing™ is an IDC proprietary method of auto-
matically reducing “jerk” (sudden change of acceleration) which is often inherent in move
sequences generated by indexers. Dynamic Smoothing™ is similar in effect to so-called S-
curve profiles. The softening of accel/decel transients sharply reduces ringing in the motor
and various attached structures.
•Select Multi-Stepping Enabled for more aggressive dynamic smoothing. Gain will be
1/10 of the recommended gain when Dynamic Smoothing is enabled. Multi-Stepping™ is
an IDC proprietary method of obtaining very smooth motion from step motors when using
low resolution indexers, i.e. 200, 400, 1000 steps/rev. The Multi-Stepping™ feature, when
enabled, executes coarse stepping regimens by using microsteps to fill-in between the
widely-spaced, low-resolution steps. This is a form of interpolation that produces smooth
motion in an otherwise coarse and noisy stepping system.
Note: Observe decrease in
Gain when Multi-Stepping is