Quality Control Procedures
January 10, 2006 5E6155 A-5
Running a Daily QC Test The MQSA requires that a sensitometric test be run daily and that clinical
images be made only when the control chart is within the control ranges.
Kodak recommends the following laser imager test. Perform this test daily
before clinical mammograms are performed, to ensure quality output. Plot
the values obtained from the test on the chart for comparison with the film
parameter values established in the baseline test.
1. Apply power to the 8900 and allow it to warm to READY, as indicated
on the local panel. Request a Calibration Test Print (see “Requesting a
Calibration Test Print” on page 3-19) to put the Automatic Image
Quality Control (AIQC) system in control.
2. Print a QC Step Wedge film per the procedure on page 3-20 of this
User Guide.
3. Use a densitometer to read the designated steps on the test film. Read
at the center of each step. If a clear area on the film was used instead
of the step 1 area in the baseline tests (see “Baseline Test” on
page A-2), use a clear area in this QC test.
4. Record the date on the chart. Then plot the DD, MD, and Base Plus
Fog values in the appropriate column on the chart.
5. Determine if any of the values exceeds the control limits for the
NOTE: The numbers above and below the center lines on the chart
indicate the control limits. For example, for DD or MD, 0.10
above or below the center line is approaching the limit, but is
acceptable. However, 0.15 above or below the line is not
6. If the values did not exceed a control limit, examine the chart and see
if there is a trend that suggests possible future problems. (This could
be, for example, three or more data points for DD, MD or Base Plus
Fog in succession moving upward or downward.) If the data points
have not exceeded the limits, clinical mammograms can continue to
be run.
7. If any value exceeds a control limit, DO NOT run clinical
mammograms until the problem is corrected. Proceed as follows:
a.Circle the out of control point(s) on the chart.
b.Correct the problem. The fault could be in the film, imager or
densitometer, or in the performance of the QC procedure.