MiTAC 8399 Laptop User Manual

N/B Maintenance
N/B Maintenance
16-bit, 32-bit Z test, and 24+8 Z+ Stencil test support
Z-Bias support
Stipple Test, Line-Pattern test, Text re-Transparence test, Alpha test support
Edge anti-aliasing support
Two textures per pass
Tremendous Texture Format: 16/32 bpp ARGB, 1/2/4/8 bpp Luminance, 1/2/4/8 bpp Intensity, 1/2/4/8 bpp
Paletized (ARGB) , YUV 422/420 format
Texture sizes up to 2048x2048
High quality texture filter modes: Nearest, Linear, Bi-linear, Tri-linear, Anisotropic
LOD-Bias support
Vertex Fog and Fog Talbe
Specular Lighting
Alpha Blending
Bump mapping
High quality dithering
ROP2 support
Internal full 32-bit ARGB format for high rendering quality
MiTac Secret
Confidential Document