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Section 5 - Chapter 3 - The OkiNet for VINES Utility
OKI OkiLAN 6100e+ User’s Guide
Banyan VINES
Restore VINES Defaults
Clears the Print Service names assigned and user name/
password. This does not affect the configurations of
other protocols.
Restore Output Port Default
Clears the output port configurations. This will affect
the print jobs of other protocols.
Restore VINES and Output Port Defaults.
This option does both Restore VINES Defaults and
Restore Output Port Defaults. This will affect the print
jobs of other protocols.
The OkiLAN 6100e+ in default configuration will be
identified as “OKI#######” where ####### is the
serial number of the OkiLAN 6100e+.
CAUTION: Make sure that no print jobs are active
when you make these selections. If you reset the
OkiLAN 6100e+ while a job is printing, the job will
not print successfully.
Printing a Configuration Sheet
You can print a configuration sheet at any time by using
the Print pull-down menu on the Print Server
Configuration screen. Select Configuration Sheet.
A configuration sheet will also print if the OkiLAN
6100e+ fails due to a network protocol error.
Enabling/Disabling Protocols
To enable or disable individual protocols, use the
Protocols option from the Print Server Configuration
screen. Select Enable/Disable.
You should disable protocols which are not in use.
Disabling a protocol will keep the OkiLAN 6100e+
from generating any network traffic from that protocol.