5-7 Maintenance Inspections
In order that your SYSMAC system operates in optimum condition, be sure to
carry out daily or periodical inspections.
Inspection Items The main system components of a SYSMAC system are semiconductors, and it
contains few components with limited lifetimes. Environmental conditions, how-
ever, can lead to electrical element deterioration, making regular maintenance
The standard period for maintenance checks is 6 months to 1 year, but depend-
ing on the environment checks may need to be more regular.
If the criteria are not met, adjust to within the specified ranges.
Inspection items Details Criteria Remarks
Power supply Determine whether the
voltage fluctuation is within
the standard at the power
supply terminal.
Within the voltage variation
range (see note)
Environmental conditions
Is the ambient temperature
inside the panel
0 to 55_C
Is the ambient humidity
inside the panel
10% to 90% RH with no
Has dirt or dust collected? None Visual inspection
I/O power supply Is the voltage fluctuation
measured at the I/O
terminal within the standard
Each I/O must conform to
the specifications
Installation status
Are all units securely
Nothing is loose Positive screwdriver
Are all connection cables
and connectors inserted
completely and locked?
Nothing is loose Visual inspection
Are any of the external
wiring screws loose?
Nothing is loose Positive screwdriver
Are any of the external
wiring cables frayed?
No external abnormalities Visual inspection
Product service life Contact output relay Electrical:
Resistance load: 300,000
Inductive load: 100,000
10,000,000 operations
Note Power supply voltage variation range.
Power supply Allowable voltage fluctuation range
100 to 120 VAC 85 to 132 VAC
200 to 240 VAC 170 to 264 VAC
24 VDC 20.4 to 26.4 VDC
Maintenance Inspections
Section 5-7