Main Menu (Continued)
Marker for 17:9 and 16:9
The marker is only displayed as a vertical bar. In addition,
the section becomes the “MARKER BACK” item.
4:3 marker 13:9 marker
14:9 marker 16:9 marker
VISTA marker, 2:1 marker, and CNSCO marker
A vertical marker may not be displayed depending on the
aspect ratio setting.
VISTA marker 2:1 marker
CNSCO marker (2.35/2.39)
Area marker
This marker is displayed as a dotted line.
95 % area marker 93 % area marker
90 % area marker 88 % area marker
100 % Area marker
80 % Area marker
80 % area marker
USER area marker
VAR area marker
DOT/LINE marker
<Display marker of 17:9 and 16:9>
The marker is displayed based on each screen size.
17:9 size 16:9 size
Marker for 4:3
This marker is displayed as a dotted line.
95 % area marker 93 % area marker
90 % area marker 88 % area marker
80 % area marker
This marker is displayed as a dotted line.
95 % area marker 93 % area marker
90 % area marker 88 % area marker
80 % Area
100 % Area marker
80 % area marker
USER area marker
VAR area marker
DOT/LINE marker
The marker can be displayed simultaneously with the
markers for 17:9 and 16:9.
Simultaneous display example
The section becomes the “MARKER BACK” item.
It controls the background of the marker selected in AS-
4:3 marker
16:9 marker
16:9 marker: 95 % area marker
4:3 marker: 80 % area marker
Center marker
Center marker
This marker is displayed at the center
of the screen.
Cross marker
Cross marker
Use the rotary knob <PICTURE> to
move the marker. (The cross marker is
half the length of the center marker and
twice the width)
Use the rotary knob <PICTURE> to set 80 % to 100 % in 1 % increments.
Use the rotary knob <PICTURE> to set 80 % to 100 % in 1 % increments separately for vertical and horizontal.
Use the rotary knob <PICTURE> to set the H direction: 0000 to 4094 and V direction: 0000 to 2158 in increments of 1 separately
for vertical and horizontal.