Samsung 560 All in One Printer User Manual

EU Declaration of Conformity (RTTE)
We_ S_msun 9 Electronics Co_ Ltd,
_f _25g, GonoO_n-Dono,Gumi-Citv, Kvuno-Buk KOREA 7L_O-OL_O
_f Sanxing Road. Weihai Hi-Tech, IDZ Shandong Province, China 264209
declare under our sole responsibility that the product
Mu[ ti --fun ction Facsimile
mode[ "SF-565P_ SF-560_
FAX 1170L./F2SO/L.F ] 25m/][F3035_
FAX 1130L/F2:}OILFi20IIF3030"
b v_hich fois declarafion relates is it, conformity wifo
RTTE _rec_ve 1999/5/EC ( Annex H )
Lo_ Voltage _rec_ve 73/23/EEC
EHC _rec_ve 89i336iEEC:92i31iEEC
By applica_on of _e following s_ndards
RTTE : T_,R 2:L_ T2,R 38_ EG 201 121
LVD _ EN _3g_0_112001
EMC _ EN_2_lg_ EN_5024_1_ ÷ _200_ _00_2_0_0_
I_ce _*_ (}_tea[ ;_u_ 1
(Rep_e_e_i_e _ tbe EU)
Whan_Soon Yim / Genel'al Hanager
Ir,_Seop Lee / Manage_,